Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This is one of the busiest and most mixed up times of the year. People are hurrying about with great intensity to purchase the best Christmas gift possible for that special someone in their life.
But what if we paused for a second and considered the greatest gift ever given to mankind. What would that prompt in our own hearts as we consider others around us that are less fortunate? It would probably allow us to realize just how important the words were that Jesus spoke; "it is better to give than receive."
I would ask you to let's start by giving ourselves to the Lord. Allow God to use us to be a blessing to someone around us. Let's remember the words of Paul in Romans 12:1 and also the words of Jesus in Mark 9:41.
Give a cup of cold water to your neighbor this year. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We the people of the United States are faced with a daunting task on November 6, 2012, to go to the polls and exercise our right to vote. As we consider this important election, we should be seeking wisdom from God as we cast our vote. Prayer should be offered up everyday for discernment that we follow God's leading as we vote. Every Christian should be present at the voting polls to vote to affirm and protect the rightous morals and laws that has made this nation the greatest nation on earth. God help us if we maintain the attitude of apathy and indifference by not standing up to defend what so many have given their lives to defend - the Constitution Of the United States of America. God bless America!!!!!!! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Unless we have the power of avoiding evil/choosing good by free will, we're not responsible for our actions. (Justin Martyr - 1.177)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Many today are focusing their attention and efforts on evangelism models and programs in an attempt to make the gospel culturally "relevant."

We do not find any reference in the Bible that would suggest that churches accomodate the world's behavior or standards and make them part of our worship and ministry.

1 Peter 3:5 states that we are to "santicfy the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."

The word "answer" is translated from the Greek word "apologian", from which we get the word "apologetics." The meaning behind this word is - a response to an external request, clearly emphasized by Peter's admonition to "be ready" to give the answer when someone asks you. And this answer should be given in "meekness (humblely, gentleness of spirit) and fear."

The answer is also to be given with a "reason." The word "reason" is translated from the Grek word "logon" which means word or speech. Paul was well prepared with "logic," since he was "set for the defence (apologia) of the gospel (Philippians 1:17).

So, we must sanctify our hearts, and then become ready to respond with an answer to all who ask us about our hope (the gospel-our salvation) with a sound "reason" given in a gentle and respective manner.

Our focus should not be on relating to the population but our attention should be toward imparting the message of truth contained in Scripture.

The power to change lives does not rest in the messenger or the method, but through the written Word of God (Romans 10:17).

Monday, August 27, 2012

Stormy Days Ahead

People all around the area are making preparation for the arrival of tropical storm Issac. It is amazing how much preparation we make for an event with limited duration but make little preparation for an upcoming event that will be eternal.
The storms of life beat against us at different periods in our lives and how we respond to them says a lot about our faith. Do we stand strong even in the mist of the winds and rains  or do we fall apart and become of no effect?